

Art Encyclopedia on™ is a complete, clear and precise history of fine arts in articles. From distant past to present day, Articles in a World History of Art bring together art from every age and from every corner of the world. What is art? There is no strict definition. Generally, art is all that makes you think and feel. Art is the product of creative human activity in which materials are shaped or selected to convey an idea or emotion. Whether it creates order and harmony or expresses chaos, art stimulates emotion and intellect. Art is not a luxury but an essential part of life and human experience.

Artists and Articles

Clip Arts Basic Pack

Fine Arts Basic Pack

Fine Arts Extended Pack

A good introductory to fine arts from Renaissance to Baroque to Impressionism to Modernism, and more. This pack includes paintings of the most notable painters in the fine arts history, such as Michelangelo, Raphael, Rubens, Rembrandt, Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, Picasso, Dali, and more. Art is more than just decoration. Whether it creates order and harmony or expresses chaos, art stimulates emotion and intellect. Art fills the needs of the artist and expresses a universal language. Without words, it may convey any message. It may reveal truth or fantasy, protest injustice, and raise social consciousness, express spiritual values and immortalize its subject. Art is not a luxury but an essential part of life and the human experience.



Art Encyclopedia A world history of art in articles.


Art Wallpapers Art image collections for your desktop.